We have a saying in the exercise community " The slower your steps, the closer you are to Death". OK, not uplifting but you get the point. Two relatively new studies highlight the truth in that saying. The conclusion from them was that no matter what your race, sex, comorbidities or diet the following held true.
To live longer, those who took 7,000+ steps daily were 50% less likely to die early. Take 9,000 steps and that increases to 70%. And no, taking more than 10,000 steps did not make a difference in mortality. So the sweet spot seems to be 7,000-8,000 steps daily including 30-45 minutes of intentional exercise most days of the week. What kind of exercise you ask? They include swimming, tennis, biking, jogging, weightlifting, aerobic exercise, soccer...anything that will get your heart rate up for 30-45 minutes. That can include fast walking or hiking as well. Those who exercised MORE than 10 hours a week lost 1/3 of mortality benefits. This is not the first study to mention how TOO much exercise can be bad for you.
How to get started on an exercise program? If you have been sedentary for a while, start with a visit to your PCP for a general check up and mention your plan on starting an exercise program. Once cleared for exercise, the best gift you can give yourself is to meet with a Certified Personal Trainer to get started. Some Trainers, such as myself, are also Certified Nutritionists and you can add on that service for a weight loss program.
If you cannot afford a Personal Trainer, no problem. There are plenty of sites online that can help you get started. Start with tracking your steps for 3 days. Strap on a wearable fitness tracker, such as Apple Watch or Fitbit (I love my Fitbit), and wear it from morning till night. Most smart phones have a Health App preinstalled and track your steps, but you would have to carry your phone everywhere and unless you're a Millenial or a Gen Z'er you probably don't. This will give you a good idea of how many steps you are taking already. To increase your steps, add 1,000 steps to what you are already doing regularly for a week and see how you do. Once you have reached that goal consistently ( 6 out of 7 days), add another 1,000. And so on till you reach your goal.
Small ways to increase your steps include the following:
1. Park further away, not only will you add steps but your car won't get dinged as much! If parking in a strip center where you will shop at a couple of different stores, park in between both places and walk back and forth from there.
2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
3. Master the art of inefficiency. Instead of gathering a bunch of items and moving them from one room to another in one trip, try taking several trips. As I get older this becomes easier, since I forget what I need in that room half the time now LOL. So my forgetfulness is benefiting my steps.
4. Get a dog! Or walk your dog every day if you do not already. When I first got my Fitbit I was obsessed with making my steps. So if by evening I was going to fall short, I would grab the leash and take my Aussie for a second walk. She loved it and we both lost weight!
5. Find a walking buddy. Exercise is not only more fun but a buddy holds you accountable. You are more likely to stick to your exercise routine if there is another person counting on you. Neighbors make great walking buddies!
These are easy ways to add steps into your daily life. Exercise not only helps us live longer but it increases our quality of life, reduces cardiovascular disease, diabetes and several cancers. Not to mention the mental and emotional benefits it brings. So grab a pair of walking shoes and head out the door!
The studies I mention in this article can be found here, JAMA and Mayo Clinic